Cancer will affect one in three individuals. The more we know, the better chance we have of avoiding and surviving it.
Knowledge is power. Cancer can be diminished by education and applying what you know.
One in three of us will get cancer, unless we try to change our odds (and we can). Knowing these facts on cancer may prevent cancer or enable early detection.
To reduce your risk of developing cancer, and to enable early detection, knowledge is crucial. These facts may help increase awareness.


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HEALED BY THE LORD - Stories of Cancer Survivors

HEALED BY THE LORD - Stories of Cancer Survivors
Watch and be inspired. Share this site with cancer patients you know. Let's give hope to them. Let's rekindle their faith. Nothing is impossible with God. Let's pray for them. Post their names in the prayer chatbox in this site. And we will pray for them.


What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a cancer of the mesothelium. The mesothelium is a thin membrane that lines the chest and abdomen and surrounds the organs in these areas. The lining around the lungs is called thepleura and in the abdomen it is known as the peritoneum.

Mesothelioma of the lining of the lungs, known as pleural mesothelioma, is much more common than mesothelioma in the peritoneum. For every one person with peritoneal mesothelioma, there will be about 12 people who have pleural mesothelioma.

Pleural mesothelioma

The pleura has two layers: the inner (visceral) layer, which is next to the lung; and the outer (parietal) layer, which lines the chest wall. The two layers of the pleura are usually in contact and slide over each other as we breathe. The membranes produce fluid, which allows them to slide over each other easily.

When mesothelioma develops in the pleura (pleural mesothelioma), the delicate membranes thicken and may press inwards on the lung. Fluid may also collect betwee

Peritoneal mesothelioma

The lining of the abdomen is known as the peritoneum. It also has two layers: the inner (visceral) layer, which is next to the abdominal organs, and the outer (parietal) layer, which lines the abdominal wall.

If the mesothelioma is in the peritoneum it is called peritoneal mesothelioma and causes thickening of the membranes surrounding the abdominal organs and a collection of fluid in the abdomen. The collection of fluid is called ascites and causes swelling of the abdomen.

Friday, June 4, 2010


DO YOU KNOW THAT ASBESTOS IS THE PRIMARY CAUSE OF MESOTHELIOMA? ASBESTOS IS FOUND EVERYWHERE, EVEN AT HOME. PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR LOVED ONES. WE HAVE TO CONTINUE PROMOTING MESOTHELIOMA AWARENESS. MANY DO NOT KNOW, AND THEY BECOME VICTIMS. PLEASE POST THIS IN YOUR PROFILE. Let's pray for people who are suffering from mesothelioma. Let's do anything we can to comfort, encourage and help them. Please tell your friends howMesothelioma can be prevented. Please visit this site to know more about Mesothelioma and other cancer-related issues, and how you can help cancer patients.

Mesothelioma is a cancerous disease that affects various organs in the body such as lungs, heart and abdominal cavity. Mesothelioma is mainly caused due to the inhalation or swallowing of asbestos particles, which in turn passes through the air canal affecting the mesothelium tissue layering the above said organs. The dreadfulness of Mesothelioma lies in the slow time it takes to become a full-fledged disease spreading to every corner of the body and causing the maximum damage. But the crucial point is that after the first time exposure to asbestos it affects the body over decades and by the time Mesothelioma is diagnosed Mesothelioma would have reached the extreme stage for which no treatment option is left.

People working in asbestos industries, construction sites and other areas where they are exposed to asbestos should wear a protective gear in order to avoid contact with asbestos fibers which causes Mesothelioma.
It is only when an individual is exposed to asbestos for a longer period of time that he runs the risk of contracting Mesothelioma. Hence exposure for a longer duration should be avoided at any cost.
People should generally be made aware of the risk involved in exposure to asbestos fiber thereby innocent family member of such workers do not get affected.
Ensure people working in such risk prone areas make it a point not to carry asbestos particles back home to avoid Mesothelioma.
Watch out for signs of mesothelioma earlier and get Mesothelioma treated the very moment you fear asbestos exposure so as to avoid any increase in the aggressiveness Mesothelioma.

Source of information about Mesothelioma Prevention:

The Environmental Protection Agency recommends a number of steps and precautions people can take to help protect themselves against non-occupational asbestos exposure that may lead to mesothelioma. These mesothelioma prevention methods include, but are not limited to:
1.  Regular inspection and monitoring of asbestos-containing products or materials (cause of Mesothelioma) around the home since asbestos was commonly used in the production of roof shingles, insulation, flooring, and more.
 2.  Don't attempt to remove any asbestos-containing materials which may cause Mesothelioma. It is vital that you enlist the help of an asbestos removal professional who is properly trained to handle the material and can ensure safe removal.
 3.  Avoid vacuuming, sweeping, drilling, sanding, or scraping any surfaces that may contain asbestos fibers which cause Mesothelioma. Once these fibers are airborne, they may be inhaled or ingested greatly increasing the risk of mesothelioma.
4.  Quit smoking, especially if you work in an industry in which you are frequently exposed to high levels of asbestos (cause of Mesothelioma). Studies have indicated that asbestos workers who smoke cigarettes have a 50 to 100 times greater risk of dying from mesothelioma or lung cancer.
5.  If you or a loved one is suffering from mesothelioma side effects, it is vital that you seek immediate medical attention at the first sign of Mesothelioma symptoms such as chest pains, shortness of breath, coughs, severe weight loss, and more . Early diagnosis and treatment of mesothelioma is the best form of prevention and can produce the most favorable outcome of the disease.
Source of Mesothelioma Prevention:

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